Johnny Manziel’s family hired A attorney named Jim Darnell with experience in NCAA matters as the Heisman Trophy winner reportedly faces an investigation into whether he was paid to sign autographs.The Manziel family said in a statement that Jim Darnell would be representing the Texas A&M quarterback.If Johnny Football hired a attorney that means he might be guilty. I would say this is a interesting concept.It has been reported that Manziel was signing autographs during the BCS Title Game last year between Alabama and Notre Dame.
Jim Darnell says he has never worked with the Manziels. He says he has covered numerous NCAA cases.He has represented Baylor when its basketball program was sanctioned in the early 2000s and former Southern California basketball coach Tim Floyd.The results in those cases especially with Tim Floyd as O.J. Mayo dodged sanctions as Mayo he declared for the NBA Draft. It looks like in this case Johnny Football will dodge the NCAA penalties and be able to play in the 2013 season. If Johnny Football doesn’t watch his image he can get kicked off the team just like Tyrann Devin Mathieu.I would recommend Johnny be good and to focus on football and get ready for the NFL.