A dark storm full of rain, possible tornado with 75 mph winds pass thru Baton Rouge,La

A storm of over 75 mph winds, that cover St, Gabriel to Port Allen, La in length, with lots of rain, and a reported tornado on the LSU Campus, and by the I-10 and I-12 split touch down. I was driving down Airline Hwy going to pick up a Uber Customer at the Baton Rouge Airport, and I saw black clouds coming my way, not to mention lighting as well so I cancel the ride, called the customer told them I wasn’t coming to pick them up, because of the bad weather. The customer at the Baton Rouge, Louisiana Airport said who is gonna come pick me up, I told them, I cannot pick you up, and told him to take cover because there is a tornado in the area, the customer said can another Uber driver pick me up, and I told him no one is coming to pick you up…..lol. I floored it and headed to my house to get out of the storm.

A car that drove in the ditch off Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge,La

A car that drove into the ditch off Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge,La

The  storm that pass thru Baton Rouge split a palm tree in half.

The storm that pass thru Baton Rouge split a palm tree in half.

Same palm tree different angle.

Same palm tree different angle.

Kolaches sign by LSU Tigerland gets tumble over during the storm.

Kolaches sign by LSU Tigerland gets tumble over during the storm.

Mall of Louisiana topples during the storm that blew thru Baton Rouge,La

Mall of Louisiana topples during the storm that blew thru Baton Rouge,La

There goes the neighbors garbage can....

There goes the neighbors garbage can….

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